We are thrilled to introduce the first-ever ROADS.sg Awards 2024, a celebration of excellence in road safety and positive road culture! These awards will honour the outstanding individuals and organisations whose efforts have significantly improved our roads and fostered a safe and positive driving environment. ROADS.SG AWARDS Welcome to NOMINATE NOW! The ROADS.sg Awards began as an extension of our mission to advocate for road safety through awareness and education. Recognising the outstanding efforts of individuals and organisations, we created these awards to honour and inspire a safer driving culture. About ROADS.SG AWARDS GO TO ABOUT Meet the esteemed panel of judges for the ROADS.sg Awards 2024, who bring their expertise to celebrate road safety and innovation! ROADS.SG AWARDS Judges SEE JUDGES Discover the diverse categories of the ROADS.sg Awards and explore the criteria for nomination. Learn about the outstanding contributions that qualify individuals and organisations for recognition in road safety and positive driving culture. Award Categories ROADS.SG AWARDS GO TO CATEGORIES Nominations for the ROADS.sg Awards open on 1st June 2024 and winners will be announced on 11th December 2024. Key Dates ROADS.SG AWARDS GO TO KEY DATES Submit nominations for the ROADS.sg Awards
from 1st June 2024 to 31st August 2024.
Winners will be announced on 1st December 2024
Get ready to uncover the winners of the ROADS.sg Awards 2024! Cast your vote and join us in celebrating excellence in road safety and innovation!
Voting opens 1st October to 30th November 2024.


The ROADS.sg Awards originated from our mission to advocate for road safety and promote positive driving behaviour. Initially launched as a platform dedicated to sharing safety messages and raising awareness, we soon realised the importance of recognising those who embody these values. Inspired by the remarkable efforts of individuals and organisations in our community, we established the ROADS.sg Awards to honour their contributions and encourage a safer, more responsible road culture.

In addition, we know the automotive industry plays a pivotal role in ensuring our roads are safe through innovative safety features, exceptional customer service, and dedication to sales practices that prioritise driver well-being. The ROADS.sg Awards also recognise the outstanding efforts of companies and professionals who have significantly advanced automotive safety, enhanced customer experiences, and driven positive change in the industry.

By acknowledging these achievements, we aim to inspire continued excellence and innovation, ultimately creating a safer environment for all road users.

Judging Panel Director
Cosmas LLC
Secretary General
Motor Sports Singapore
Akram Khaira Henry Goh Vice Chairman
Cycling Without Age, Singapore
Dorothy Teo Chief Instructor
ComfortDelgro Driving Centre
Kamsani Abdullah Rex Tan Michelle Tay President
Singapore Motor Cycle
Trade Association
Director, Programmes & Operations
Singapore Kindness Movement


Henry Goh

Secretary General
Motor Sports Singapore
Chief Commercial Officer
Target Media Culcreative

Michelle Tay

Director, Programmes & Operations

Singapore Kindness Movement

Dorothy Teo

Vice Chairman
Cycling Without Age, Singapore

Akram Khaira

Cosmas LLC

Rex Tan

Singapore Motor Cycle Trade Association




These awards spotlight those championing safety in the road environment, including automotive industry excellence. From innovative campaigns and personal dedication that enhance safety and reduce accidents to standout performances in automotive sales, this unified awards programme celebrates exceptional contributions across the industry. By integrating these awards, we recognize a broad spectrum of excellence that drives progress and ensures a safer road environment for all.

Most Gracious Road Users

Road Safety Champion (Company/Association)

Road Safety Champion (Individual)

Most Viral Road Kindness Video

Best Automotive Safety Gear/Gadget

Best Car Salesman

Best Bike Salesman



These awards aim to shine a spotlight on individuals and organisations committed to fostering a safer and more gracious road environment. From innovative safety campaigns to exemplary acts of kindness on the road, these awards celebrate those who go above and beyond to promote road safety awareness and reduce accidents.

Most Gracious Road Users
Road Safety Champion (Company)
Road Safety Champion (Individual)
Most Viral Road Kindness Video



These awards recognise outstanding contributions within the industry. From groundbreaking innovation to exceptional people, these awards highlight the best and brightest in the field.

Best Automotive Safety Gear/Gadget
Best Car Salesman
Best Bike Salesman



These awards aim to shine a spotlight on individuals and organisations committed to fostering a safer and more gracious road environment. From innovative safety campaigns to exemplary acts of kindness on the road, these awards celebrate those who go above and beyond to promote road safety awareness and reduce accidents.

Most Gracious Road Users
Road Safety Champion (Company)
Road Safety Champion (Association)
Road Safety Champion (Individual)
Most Viral Road Kindness Video



These awards recognise outstanding contributions within the industry. From groundbreaking innovation to exceptional people, these awards highlight the best and brightest in the field.

Best Automotive Safety Gear/Gadget
Best Inbuilt Automotive Safety Feature
Best Customer Service Representative
Best Car Salesman
Best Bike Salesman




We invite you to take part in recognising those who make our roads safer and more positive places to be.

If you know an individual or organisation that has made a significant impact in road safety or fostered a positive driving culture, we urge you to submit a nomination.

Submit by 31st Aug 2024


Nominees will be announced on 1 September 2024!

Best Car Salesman

We’ve all experienced amazing service. It may be from the waiter at your favourite restaurant, or perhaps from someone who sold you a product. This award is designed to recognise excellence in salespersons within the automotive industry. The recipient of this award embodies the epitome of outstanding service in the automotive realm.

Daryl (Jack Cars)

Logan (Vin’s Auto)

Most Gracious Road Users

You know those road angels who make your commute a little less stressful? Whether they let you merge during rush hour or give a friendly wave at a four-way stop, they’re the unsung heroes of the highway. This award honours the most gracious road users who make driving more pleasant for everyone.

Mr Khan Md Nasir

Voluntarily assist in directing traffic at the junction of Dunearn Road and Eng Neo Avenue when the traffic light was down

Edmund Ho

Saw an uncle in wheelchair in the middle of the busy road of Newton and decided to stop his car in front, get off the vehicle and push the uncle to safety in the rain.

Mr Mia Md Shanto

Voluntarily assist in directing traffic at the junction of Dunearn Road and Eng Neo Avenue when the traffic light was down

Best Bike Salesman

Ever met that bike salesperson who makes buying a bike feel like a breeze? This award celebrates those rockstar salespeople who go above and beyond to make sure you ride off the lot with a smile. It recognises excellence in the bike-buying experience.


Royal Enfield

Road Safety Champion (Company/Association)

In a world where the road can be a perilous journey, there are companies that stand out as beacons of safety. This award celebrates those road safety champions, the companies that make every mile travelled a safer, more secure experience for all.


  • Safety Training: Mandates road safety training for all riders and conducts regular safety campaigns.
  • Rider Safety Month: Each October, Deliveroo emphasises road safety by introducing new initiatives and training programs to ensure a safe working environment for their large fleet.
  • Strategic Partnerships: Collaborates with safety and driving institutions, such as ComfortDelGro Driving Centre, Singapore Cycling Federation, SCDF, and Red Cross, to offer advanced safety and emergency response courses.

SBS Transit

  • ‘Be Safe, Be Seen’ Campaign: Initiative with Traffic Police and KK Women’s & Children’s Hospital, to teach road users to understand bus blind spots.
  • Safety Recognition: Rewards employees who show exemplary road safety behaviour through the monthly Safety Incentive programme and nominations for awards.
  • Safety Technologies: Adopted advanced technologies, including Mobileye Advanced Driver Assistance System, Goldeneye anti-fatigue system, to reduce collision and blind spot detection.

Singapore Motor Cycle Trade Association

  • Policy Collaboration: Enhanced safety by collaborating with government agencies on policies like mandatory helmet use and founding Singapore’s first driving school.
  • Youth Safety Training: Through the Safe Riding Experience program, SMCTA educates young riders on safe practices, fostering a culture of safety from an early age.
  • Riding Gear Advocacy: SMCTA promotes the use of certified riding gear, partnering with manufacturers to improve gear standards and accessibility, reducing rider injuries.

Road Safety Champion (Individual)

Imagine a hero navigating our roads, not with a cape, but with caution and care for others and themselves. This award celebrates those everyday road warriors, whose commitment to safety makes our journeys smoother and our destinations sweeter.

Crisanta Guiquing

  • Bring groups of volunteers consisting of domestic helpers to support and help out at Traffic Police Road Safety events such as Singapore Road Safety Awareness Month and Anti-Drink Drive campaign
  • Advocate for spreading road safety awareness messages

Aaron Pok

  • Always has marshalling and safety equipment in car
  • Helps motorists change tyres, jumpstarts cars and even directs traffic during accidents

Most Viral Road Kindness Video

Amidst the lively pulse of Singapore’s streets, there’s a symphony of innovation safeguarding our travels. These gadgets stand as stalwart defenders of our urban adventures, quietly ensuring our safety with their ingenious design. This award is a vibrant tribute to these unsung

Rescue: Breaking Into a Car to Save an Unconscious Driver

Helping the Chicken to Cross the Road

Drivers Alight to Help Clearing of Materials Dropped in a Junction

Best Automotive Safety Gadget

Amidst the lively pulse of Singapore’s streets, there’s a symphony of innovation safeguarding our travels. These gadgets stand as stalwart defenders of our urban adventures, quietly ensuring our safety with their ingenious design. This award is a vibrant tribute to these unsung

Wow Gadget Shop

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